2022 BOSS Ironman XVI

This year’s BOSS Ironman attracted 1423 different riders from around the Philippines, all riders looking to push themselves and complete 1200 kms of pavement and dirt roads within the 24 hour time limit necessary to be crowned an Ironman finisher.

This was my second go at the endurance challenge, completing the last one just under 23 hours on my Harley Davidson Softail Heritage. This year was going to be different, I was rocking the Grand daddy of adventure bikes,and I was determined to do better and compete with myself, and accomplish that with Michelle on pillion, alongside my other 4 teammates doing the same thing.

Glad to say we all made it to the finish line safe and sound in a little over 18 hours, and had a ton of fun exploring Northern Luzon with thousands of passionate riders of varying skill levels, old and new.

I am looking forward to doing it again next year, but maybe with a more laid back attitude and maximize the time and spend more taking photos, taking more scenic stops, and eating a lot more food


Crispy Pata Ride