Bondoc’s Steakhouse, Angeles City

Steak in a no frills, affordable package

In Marisol Village, Angeles City you will find a street that has 3 or so restaurants that claim to specialize in steaks, and while I have yet to try the other two, Bondoc’s restaurant is arguably the most famous despite being the most unassuming of the three, maybe due to it being there since the 70s, or their affordable pricing.

600 pesos (12usd) for a kilogram of steak is no doubt quite a steal and I would definitely recommend this as a must try if you are around the area.

I also particularly enjoyed the ‘Paldeut’ or Chicken bottom, which is a Kapampangan local delicacy that has been a favorite of mine for as long as I can remember, being from the area.


Oysters and Steak


Vieux Chalet, Swiss Cuisine in Antipolo